a little bit

about us …


Hello, from Dandridge & Tippy Sterne!

First things first – I’ll admit that DANDRIDGE STERNE is a nom de plume. The names come from each of my grandmothers’ families. Tippy (another nom de plume rooted in real life) and I picked these two old family names because of the sense of timelessness they lend.

Which is kind of like the design we love – timeless. We believe that good design is timeless.

These days we’re flooded with content – on cable TV, in big box stores, on social media, in blog posts … there’s stuff everywhere. It’s almost impossible to navigate so much to find what’s of quality.

So, at DANDRIDGE STERNE, we hope to share a bit of what we feel is truly good.

That includes great homes and interiors, inspiring architects and designers, and tools for living – objects, places and experiences of timeless quality we’ve found to help create a richly layered home and life.


We hope you agree!